Friday, March 10, 2006

MARCH MADNESS! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

have you ever actually scene the saying
'deer in headlights'
well now you have,
i don't know what it is about photos, but my crew does the dumb freeze every time,
they smile, then the flashy flashy thing
(men in black) zaps them, and they look like THIS!
Gotta love 'em though!
They support the team motto,
off for a few weeks,
then its crazy april and florida tournaments!
gotta wonder how those Dukies will do now that captain wafer is wearing it as team uniform,
only time will tell,
but check the line before you wager it! ! ! !
till next time.........

Saturday, March 04, 2006

10th-just one digit off of #1

No photo today, forgot the chord to my camera/computer, BUT HEY,
came in 10th place overall, out of 115, caught a 42 lb fish,
one of four, all identical. Went away from the pack based on water temp
and movement over the last 24 hours, saw the water on the computer last night
moving, so left the pack that all went to where all the big fish were on day one,
and went further west and south, way further! Just kept catching fish all morning,
bigger fish, lots of current, and way rougher seas, it really becomes more of a
muscle match in these conditions, and I found myself having a hard time,
my shoulders were already sore I quickly found out from yesterday, and today,
with more current and rougher seas, those big fish just went deep in the water
and hung-at home in shallow water and fish of much smaller proprotions, it is more finesse,
but it was a strength battle over and over today, but our team was ready for the challenge
and we lost not a fish, nor killed anyone!
Were surprised to come in 10th place overall - that's our first Pro paycheck in a long time-
but everyone, from the president of another boat manufacturer to other teams, to spectators,
to event coordinators, want to buy a tye dye team shirt-they do look good, especially in a group,
lucy people know that well-hatteras! so if you were wearing your shirt today, many thanks,
the force was with us-on the drive tomorrow, after the giant sunday wydham beach brunch sunday-
yeah team, next stop, who knows

Friday, March 03, 2006


Well, I wish that was my official fish weight today, but alas, that is my pro boat number for the year,
my fish weighed 32.43, puney for these waters, we are sitting in an ugly 43rd place out of 115 after day one,
caught alot of fish, all the same size, good practicing for the team, we did not lose any and we got to work through some
issues of working together without killing each other,
long day though, didn't get fueled up for day two till almost 6:30 pm, then off to a team photo thing and meeting,
but then went to the Hogfish Grill, outdoor dive with awesome grouper sandwiches, and a kickin live band, just a bunch
of older guys jammin, hit some marshall tucker and some stevie ray vaughn,
coulda stayed there and jammed all night in the warm evening air!
team member rat pak in third place with a 55 lb,
he was with us,did not catch a fish all day, on the way in, dropped lines 40 miles closer to home and caught a very nice day one pro tour fish,
this will set his season!
and old gary lineberry, cindy's buns, is fishing with him,
still as funny as ever,
had to tell the gay dinasour jokes today!
thanks cheffo for the material!
more news tomorrow, better i hope,
i awoke at 1:30 this am, too excited to sleep, so i am really tired,
sat in my bed listening to captain wafer snoring,
kept walking over to his bed and rolling him, but it didn't make any dif,
we might have to move to seperate rooms instead of just seperate beds!
more information than y'all needed i am sure,
but i am very sleepy

Thursday, March 02, 2006

ARGGHH-This is My Crew-gotta love it!

Awesome, no other words to describe the site when you see miles of crystal clear water, see to the bottom green and blue water, so spectacular in the sea of seas, there are speckles of land, of sandy beaches, no buildings, dotting the landscape, i could only pray that the pilot knew which plot of land on which to land,
but he successfully found it, though a 'small landing strip' we arrived on what i now call 'croc island'
Everyone is wearing Crocs!
hanging out at the marina, quickly met a cool cat named billy blue eyes, a retired old pirate in a sailboat bound for wherever the wind takes him, had a very cute old dog who smiled like an angel
sitting talking with BBE (billy blue eyes) and all of a sudden this giant grey matter comes wallowing up from the bottom of the marina, it was a giant manatee,so freakin cute, we put the hose out with fresh water, and he rolled on his back and put the hose in his mouth, just gulping down that fresh H2O for like 15 minutes, I reached down to pat his little fuzzy nose, with the little whiskers, and he exhaled,
nothing cute about a manatee breath-OY
nasty for a vegetable eating mammal-smelled like he just ate a trashcan! I guess he has never been to Pepe's!
weather looks perfect for day one, maybe a little sporty for day two,
wear your team shirts if you have'em,
if not and you want one, let me know, kinda too hot here to wear those long sleeves, freakin 83 degrees in the shade, sorry you snowbunnies!
sat at Pepe's for b fast, and had a sleuw of locals come in, ratty shorts covered in paint, long grey hair, and beards, ended up being people who have been here forever and are artists and own local galleries-heard the most authentic 70's key west history stories-awesome stuff man-hemingway has nothing on these guys for storytelling!
guess who is playing on key largo tonight,
willie nelson in a small theatre,
do I skip curfew and go???????????????
out at 4 am, ???????????????????????