Saturday, March 31, 2007

Moons Over Mi-Hammie

Could really not believe they had the tournament,
it was rough folks,
had a great capt's meeting though,
big fun,
then we had an awesome dance party at the dock,
and well,
fishing wise,
we got sh*&t on again,
and Jimmyjam can vouch for that with his escapades at the dock
before we went, dookie down with no bathrooms-arg!
moons over miami tells it all,
rough as snot, ran everywhere,
lost a fish,
yada yada yada.....
drove home, went to allmans in nyc the next day,
had a great time at the Bear, preparty fun,
met some outrageously fun people,
knew most of the security, bartenders, and vip's by nights end,
crazy lovable Tom Cheffo showed up mid first song,
and rallied with me and steph and jason and the brothers till late night,

caught a photo of shea stadium on my way to airport next am,
then got on plane with bill murray (caddyshack) next to me,
I said, hey I am a big fan,
he said of Caddyshack right,
I said hell no, riverdogs baseball dude!
i proceeded to listen to my ipod and laugh out loud to my newest
jimmy buffet book,
till he finally said,
why were you in new york,
i said, allmans brothers at the beacon,
he then said,
what are you listening to,
I said, Elvis-duh!
and went back to my book,
saw him laughing to himself as he fell asleep......

got home and went straight into bridge run madness,
see chelsea run,
run chelsea run.......

all is well though,
spring has sprung,
off to jen's bday,
thank god one of my friends FINALLY caught up with me!!!


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Southern Snowball Fight

Southern Snowball Fight

Ok, so day two started of better than not, weather was flat, warm, sunny,
Ocean looked like the blue glass of a bottle of tequila, what flavor was that adorning the sports bar at the hatteras house, who knows, but----top shelf folks,
And speaking of top shelf, the Chases’ showed up-Harley style,
Yes, they drove the Harley all the way from Michigan. They got hung up in Jacksonville with crazy Charlie, and Chris said, I cannot do this, we will never make it to key west by the tournament, and it is a long scary and quite dangerous endeavor, sorry Jan, we must hold up here and just go to Daytona for a day. Of course, Jan said sure, then apparently the story goes as such:
One of the other hog riding folks, said, well Sally, if you can’t do it then you should not. Chris was perplexed, and lay awake all night pondering the question,
Had he become an yuppie yankee named Sally?Where were guts, glory, and a sense of wild abandon for a high seas adventure?
They got on and rode hard, and manged to get to Key West just before 5 am and got on the boat,
Let the fun begin!

We cruised past the marquesa rocks at lightening speed, and watched as the full moon in the sky be replaced by the orange fire sun coming up over the horizon. It was quite amazing to see a nighttime rainbow called a full moon over the water at 4 am and listening to the local rooster squawk-very cool! We then began having the same luck as the previous day, and decided to go for hero or zero, and just get out of the pack of boats and go farther, and then a bit farther, and find that goliath kingfish we had seen in January, there was only one spot to find it and we went. We saw good fish caught but were yet again, luckless and fishless, so go farther!

We found a little spot with a just a few other boats, and began just wailing the fish, though still small, it was fun. We then had a hit, probably 50 feet down, SMACK! This fish was cruising, Mike had the rod as we were alternating angler duties as my foot was still mostly broken, and we were catching so many fish. The fish ran us almost 2 miles-we called one of the other boats, a friend, and asked him had he seen or caught any big bull sharks or amberjacks, he said, no, just big kingfish! Mike kept putting pressure on it, this was one big fish! The fight went on for almost 45 minutes, then the truth, we saw the big whitish grey mass begin to surface,
CRAP another bull shark, maybe 10 foot, maybe just shy of a million pounds, and still swimming, leave it to us to catch the biggest crap fish while everyone else caught good fish.

There was actually the Mad Fin Shark tournament going on,
Guess we should have put a few bucks in that entry also, we would have won by a landslide!

Last few minues we hook a decent fish, 26 pounds or so, not really decent in these waters, but it beat day one,
We took it to weigh in, and found an hour wait in the harbor.
Fortunately, our monkeys had gone and bought a bag of 100 balloons,
So we spent our time filling them up and hiding them under the gunnels,
We pulled up close to our buddy Big Bird, aka C K Blanton aka Charlie aka My Boat out of murrles inlet and dude responsible for our electronics and music system on the boat,
I said ‘let me get a photo of your team with your new silk team shirts on’
They looked so cute and innocent as they got together and smiled,
Then gary, jimmyjam, chris and jan came out from behind the console and absolutely nailed them with about a quarter of the balloon ammunition!
We soaked ‘em!

They quickly retaliated with the same, only they had a slingshot and had a little more firing range, but no aim. All the boats were honking and laughing as we continued the pirate attack, probably the most fun I have ever had on the boat not winning----comradery and giggles, though I have been warned for the set up that paybacks are gonna be brutal-

Bring it on boys!
Next event, this week, entertaining my niece Erica and her roomie from Bowling Green University for spring break!

Next fishing tournament, Miami, march 25ish!
Stay tuned fish folks!

hey, if you get a chance,
nail someone with a water balloon
or an open cold hose,


Friday, March 02, 2007

Team Sebago

So I arrive at Key West to find beautiful weather, cold drinks, and fun as usual, haven't seen capt tony or gary yet though, but did hang at Irish Kevin's and Hogs Breath with the crazy crew of Lured Away till all hours of the am wednesday, that is the photo above of mike and I, he was forced to wake up from a nap and go hang out with me and chico, albert and his wife, it was big fun.......
Day before the tournament we all go out to breakfast at Pepe's where Jimmyjam has a squarepants spongebob tea party set up, with each tea cup with a different happy or grumpy face, you do the math there......
we laughed and were being silly, then the guys went to get bait and I went to sign up and get groceries etc.
the day goes by fairly normal, we go to the captains meeting, and all is fun, then we go to the team fountain at this restaurant and the table we were sitting at outside was uneven,and I stood up the same time the table raised up, and well, it came down crushing my pinky toe and the top of my foot.
So today we were captain brokebone foot, the colors of my foot when the sun came up matched the blues and greens and depths of black in the ocean,
yep, kinda hurt,
but we are champions, play through the pain.......
the pain got worse as we could not hook a decent fish,
we watched all the boats around us catch fish, and we were just getting skunked!
we finally got a whopping 15 pounder, an embarassing fish in our home waters, but riduculous for Key West in March.
our good buddy Darren is in fifth with a 43 pounder, caught literally right next to us,

tomorrow we only need a 84 pounder to get back in it,
should be a walk in the park since the world record is only 72 pounds!
but it was caught a thousand years ago in these same waters!!!!

hope all is well with the rest of the world,

Tortuga goliath fishing with hopefully guest crew the Chases,
they got stuck in a bottle of rum in jacksonville and missed today!!!!

peace love and fishing folks...........
