Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hogs Breath Key West 14th Place

Tournament and Weekly Wrap Up:
Was able to fish day two, Sunday,
rough starting out, physically, had not kept food in for two days,
and was weak, but NOAA marine weather said it would be calm all morning,
I would nap in between catching fish.
Got up at 3:45 am, went to boat,
turned the corner out of the marina,
wind was howling, seas were already kicked up.
Spent the next few hours on Mr Toads Wild Ride, as we ran over 70 miles in rough seas,and they kept building,
did see more than one amazing rainbows over the water and crossing the sky,
as clouds swirled with the sun at the break of day,
our game plan was catch a good fish, start heading closer to home,
well, we got a small fish, first line in the water,
then we had our biggest bait, a 2 lb bait, get inhaled,
we fought the fish for almost 45 minutes,
quite the acrobat he was, he ran in circles, and ran all of us in circles,
till finally he gave way and we just had to fight the wind, seas, and current.
But we are professionals, right,
He came into the boat and weighed 44 on the hand scale, an improvement over day one weight, but not the winner yet.
We deployed our next biggest baits, as the seas continued to build,
then a rain squall propelled by additional wind in the front,
blasted us all over the ocean,
we decided to get closer to home, and fish our way back,
safety first!
We are now running directly into the seas, as the wind changed direction from the morning, and have you ever tried to run uphill in the snow on a windy day!
That's what is was like, only every few minutes,
a bucket of salt water would hit you square in the face.
Brutal conditions my friends!
Anyway, we get close to home, and decide to just go in and weigh,
too rough to keep lines in the water.
good looking fish,2nd place for lady angler, and 14th overall,
out of 230 boats, and a fun day despite conditions,
feeling like me again by afternoon, and showered and headed to meet Reno Phil, and Capt Paco Ed and Linda for dinner and more Gary at Capt Tony's.
Also decided to sleep in and head out early am tuesday rather then drive all night
monday night.

Weekly Summary:

Reno Phil:
loved hangin with my big hockey player, and a big thank you for all the gifts, laughs,pre fishing fun and farts, and of course 'sausage and compliments'

Homeless Phil and family Ugel:
so great to see the kids, dance outside with jono to gary at schooners, feed the fishies with dylan, and hang with kelly on impromtu power happy hours and bfast and lunches at pepe's 'customer service', phil, thanks for everything, call me anytime, and thanks for walking me home, and for jamming on the porch(es).

Hook M Dano:
you know I love you! Your giggle is like a childs! You never cease to speak your mind and make me laugh, give travis a big kiss on the head for us, and hugs to Kelly, mom, and baby! thanks also for the hospitality at your abode! Superb!

The Drakes:
Double cool folks you are! Enjoyed meeting you, and hangin with you, looking forward to being a ringer on your ladies team for a tournament, and seeing that debbie does dallas or the cult classic, Hook M does his Nails, on the big boat! Will bring the VW for hookup of the boat we win!
Keep in touch and keep loving life!

UPS Brad:
now I know what brown can do for me! EVERYTHING! Thanks for letting my boys run you around as the 'newbie/gopher/boat boy' etc You took all their jokes and abuse like a real man, 'rainbows in the sky'

Monkey One and Monkey Two:
should be an interesting year,
I think we are off to a great start, jimmy don't forget to renew your boat drivers license at the kiddie grand prix park before next tournament, and gary, thanks for assisting in the best camera shot we could give our friends and foe on Fountain,
please remeber to send flowers to the poor cameraman on the helicopter!
But you guys worked hard, and That is appreciated!

Darren and Big John:
were y'all even there?????
missed you! get to the tournament a little early next time, please!
sad I didn't get to spend more time with yall!

Capt Ed:
Sir, Capt Paco, John Travolta, and Capt Cashmere all in one!
Can't wait to meet you for that 'ramos fizz' one morning!
Thanks for all the dance lesions, I mean lessons!

Key West Gary:
Thank You for a Real Good Time, well, that's an understatement,
your kindness, and your families, was, is, awesome! Thank you for letting us into your world, its a very cool world dude! See you in a few weeks!

Noah Weather:
I don't know this guy, but when I meet him I will slap him in the face. Flat calm seas till late afternoon, yeah right!

Next stop,
apparal show in vegas, shoe show in vegas, and back to key west feb 24 for first SKA Pro Event - see ya on the road again!

peace love and fishing!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Paella, Pirate Punch, and Puking - YIKES!

20 people at el sibonney for the annnual Paella feast!
Super Good Food!
Then off to Capt Tony's for the annual thursday night debauchery!
Capt Tony was in rare form,
as he shared the stage of casanova with capt paco rabonne ed aka: saturday night fever! Ole Mr Ed sure can cut a rug! Oh, Ed also got the quarter in the groupers mouth, That's Good Fishing Luck (if you are fishing for grouper!)

If you see a bear standing in front of Capt Tony's laughing out loud with teeth showing, becuase there is a dancing leaping gnome aka disco ed,
but you have been drinking, did it actually happen?

Yes, have not seen mike the bear laugh that hard in a long time.
thanks for the shag ed, as well as the bear entertainment!
Gary played and fun was had by all!

Girls all went home as the clock struck midnight,
boys turned it into high gear then!
Got up and met the family Ugels and Ed and Linda at Pepe's for fresh squeeezed oj and eggs benedict,
boys and the Drakes were still among the sleeping beauties!
Enjoyed seeing all my SKA folks at Murray Marine,
a homecoming of the first tournament,
sign up was filled with stories and hugs and smiles,
and hopes and expectations of big fish and a great year!
Unfortunately, my expectations turned quickly south at about 5 pm,
I was feeling sleepy at the room, met Reno Phil at the rooftop bar to watch the sunset, got a diet coke and a coors light, and prepared to watch sunset then get ready to fish in the am,
halfway through the sunset I got dizzy, within 30 more minutes I was basically hit by a semi,
I was feverish and throwing up,
apparently Mike's stomach flu from earlier in the week, had found me,
this went on for 14 hours, needless to say,
I let the Team go on without me, as I tried numberous times to get up,
I simply could not. So hopefully they will bring home a win,
and I will be back on the boat feeling like me again tomorrow!

Some might say it was caused by the Key West flu, but I really did not party too hard and certainly not yesterday,
some might say it was due to a broken heart after finding out their is much love lost between me and my good friend Hammer, da da dum Invincable, as he he cleary pointed out his new 'lack of love' for me, da da dum, bummer, but in fishing, 'lose one, rig one'
some might say I am getting old and three cruise ships a day pulling into my sleepy island fishing village, staying long enough to leave some germs from other far away places, well, those reasons sound more likely to me.

Hopefully will be telling you a tale of a tortuga fish that topped the leader board on Day One by so much, most folks were afraid to go out on day two and try and win@!

peace love and puking!

Day One 42.04 pounds
For a 11th place – need
To break that top 5 tomorrow!
Over 80 fish weighed today.
Sweet Dreams and Sunny Skies!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


A very happy first birthday to Jono,
the pre fish crew of Reno Phil, Homeless Phil, Captain Paco Rabane Ed, myself and Mike, ran all over the ocean, caught alot of bait,
seas and temps were perfect, and fishing was pretty good,
pretty pretty pretty Good!
We had a great time, as always!
Came back to meet up with little Ugels and Kelly,
Hook M, Reno Phil, The Drake and little drakette,
and of course,
playing at Schooners Wharf, a cool outdoor hut hang,
we drank beer and Jono and I danced,
he's got some super smooth moves!

Tonight will be the legendary Cuban Paella for 18 people,
and then the 'boy duval crawl'
I will probaby just hang with Gary at Tony's.
Off to meet the crew at Pepe's for the also legendary,
grilled cheese sandwich and macaroni salad!

more later,
stay warm!

smiles and pirates and laughter oh my!


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

More Photos Added Hi Key West, Hi 2008, Hi Folks-welcome back!

WOW! Here, Here at Last! Crazy times these holly - daze ! Glad to have rolled in to the Southernmost Point of the USA ! arrived saturday, one wrong turn, not too much traffic, no traffic or DOT probs, so far so good, except arrived to drop the boat in and PHEW ! Its Hot! just had to tell y'all that! Hot and Sunny, got a bit of the old winter skin burned in the late afternoon, settled in, stopoped at capt tony's for a beer, uh oh, then to Pepe's for a steak and margarhita, back to Tony's, uh oh, Gary is there, and an old man, but looking younger by the minute, capt Tony! of course, had not unpacked and did not have the camera, wait and tune in later in the week! Got invited to the 'key west locals only' monday night poker game, with said legend himself, Gary, and Capt Tony. Never had an outsider invited I hear! Though we 'opted out' didn't want to impose, went to Hook M Dano and Reno Phil's instead and I have to say, ROYAL FLUSH! Food and company was amazing! Chateabriand steaks, fresh sataueed mushrooms, organic chicken and spicey sausage plate, lots of compliments, gifts, and guitars, we sat on the outdoor key west palm frawn porch, and laughed, and sang and played music till the neighbors all turned their lights on and off! He is quite the west coast host with the most! Thanks Reno Phil! looking forward to fishing with you one day this week! but lots to say, lets move on! Windy cold and rainey prevailed shortly after we arrived, almost ironic, hmmmm. Hook M and Phil and new friends, very cool, the Law ! and us enjooyed more pepe's food and drinks, some football, and some vintage Gary Hempsey! We rallied for 2 nights till oh, 2 am, 3 am, who cares, we can't fish! Gary was kind enough to let me play intro to Folsom Prison, of the the 2 things I know, on his new Martin guitar, it sucked, but for me it was awesome! Phil, Kelly, Dylan, and Jono Ugel arrived monday, and more fun appeared! Tuesday, that's today right, huh! we were entertained to the coolest Key West experience with the singer / entertainer himself, as we went to his house and hung with his super cool princess child of 8 years old, Miss Lilly and Mr Dylan quickly became friends, we went to a super cool marina restaurant, ate food, and fed the fish, Lilly schooled me in the colors of the fish, the mangroves are orange, the yellowtail well have yellow fins, and the Parrot fish, wears blue lipstick, and she was right! It was super cool and fun as we through bread and crackers to them, saw some ultimately cool things, then we were taken to a place I possibly had a dream about once, how is it every time now that I come to Key West, after 12 years of the same, I always see something new, and alive, and truely amazing! We went down a side road at MM 10, just outside of town, drove and parked, unloaded the kids, and walked down an old forgotten road, Boca Chica Road, long time ago used to be the way in and out of this now super highway town. There was no one around, just us, a bunch of shells, a tired road, and a warm breeze of the channel, then we turned the corner, to see what Gary and sweet Lilly called, 'the Hideaway' they said it was an old pirate adventure campground, the first fence boasted shoes that had washed up on the sand in hurricanes, then, you focus your eyes on maybe a mile of driftwood, but it is not just driftwood, it is cut and placed, like a log cabin, with a roof, it is a true pirate and mermaid castle, with many rooms you walk through, and shells stairs, and rock monuments, all adorned with memorabilia of past days, and current, and remnants of the oceans recylce program, cleverly placed with the sea grass and the sea weed, a shelter from the storm, or just a super cool place, almost medivial, almost fantasy, almost a dream, it winded around and came out to another part of the desolute island, and a giant untouched beach lay with driftwood and migrating birds, maybe a hundred of them, picking the water, and flying on and off the island in perfect symentry! Then to top it off, we stop back at Gary's abode, for a sweet tea and an apple for the kids, and his super cool wife, very german, very accommodating and nice to us all, and dylan mentioned a coconut (there are coconut trees, palm trees, cactus, and a million other unbelievable vegetations in his outdoor mecca, with a super cool music room filled with guitars, and a tiki hut hand build by himself, BUT coconuts! She says, stay five more minutes, and step away, with a strong german accent, so we stepped back into the white picket fence yard, and she grabbed a giant 12 foot lopper with a macheti on the end, and started pulling down fresh coconuts for us, she, Gary, Phil, and Dylan drilled a small hole in each, threw a straw in it and we all enjoyed the smoothest smoothie I have ever had! Fresh coconut juice, right off the tree, and a very cool, but heavy, koozie! It was big fun, and we were sorry Capt Mike missed it, as he was a feeling a bit under the weather, not the Key West Flu we have all had, but a cruise came through a left a virus apparently many people have caught! We are here to catch fish, not viruses! But only us can catch the Wrong Species more often than Not! Going out tomorrow, wind has finally layed out to less than 10, which is Way Better than 35 - 40 gale force action we have breezed through! Tomorrow we Fish, and Tomorrow, Mr Jono turns 1 ! more tomorrow! peace love and smiles- susan