Saturday, January 26, 2008

Paella, Pirate Punch, and Puking - YIKES!

20 people at el sibonney for the annnual Paella feast!
Super Good Food!
Then off to Capt Tony's for the annual thursday night debauchery!
Capt Tony was in rare form,
as he shared the stage of casanova with capt paco rabonne ed aka: saturday night fever! Ole Mr Ed sure can cut a rug! Oh, Ed also got the quarter in the groupers mouth, That's Good Fishing Luck (if you are fishing for grouper!)

If you see a bear standing in front of Capt Tony's laughing out loud with teeth showing, becuase there is a dancing leaping gnome aka disco ed,
but you have been drinking, did it actually happen?

Yes, have not seen mike the bear laugh that hard in a long time.
thanks for the shag ed, as well as the bear entertainment!
Gary played and fun was had by all!

Girls all went home as the clock struck midnight,
boys turned it into high gear then!
Got up and met the family Ugels and Ed and Linda at Pepe's for fresh squeeezed oj and eggs benedict,
boys and the Drakes were still among the sleeping beauties!
Enjoyed seeing all my SKA folks at Murray Marine,
a homecoming of the first tournament,
sign up was filled with stories and hugs and smiles,
and hopes and expectations of big fish and a great year!
Unfortunately, my expectations turned quickly south at about 5 pm,
I was feeling sleepy at the room, met Reno Phil at the rooftop bar to watch the sunset, got a diet coke and a coors light, and prepared to watch sunset then get ready to fish in the am,
halfway through the sunset I got dizzy, within 30 more minutes I was basically hit by a semi,
I was feverish and throwing up,
apparently Mike's stomach flu from earlier in the week, had found me,
this went on for 14 hours, needless to say,
I let the Team go on without me, as I tried numberous times to get up,
I simply could not. So hopefully they will bring home a win,
and I will be back on the boat feeling like me again tomorrow!

Some might say it was caused by the Key West flu, but I really did not party too hard and certainly not yesterday,
some might say it was due to a broken heart after finding out their is much love lost between me and my good friend Hammer, da da dum Invincable, as he he cleary pointed out his new 'lack of love' for me, da da dum, bummer, but in fishing, 'lose one, rig one'
some might say I am getting old and three cruise ships a day pulling into my sleepy island fishing village, staying long enough to leave some germs from other far away places, well, those reasons sound more likely to me.

Hopefully will be telling you a tale of a tortuga fish that topped the leader board on Day One by so much, most folks were afraid to go out on day two and try and win@!

peace love and puking!

Day One 42.04 pounds
For a 11th place – need
To break that top 5 tomorrow!
Over 80 fish weighed today.
Sweet Dreams and Sunny Skies!

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