Monday, January 30, 2006

Karma is King

you would think with seeing a day like this, our luck was gonna be good! All time high on positive vibes on the boat as we ran 83 miles to fish, calmer seas, knew we were gonna win. First bait in the water, SMACK, the fish ran three times, strong and forward, but we did not get turned around quick enough as the line melting off the reel,
he had 400 yards of line, and circled back putting a bow in the line underwater in 100 feet deep, the light line broke from the increased pressure!
Rats! but then our good buddy Darren on Rat Pak hooked on, 52 pounds to take third place for the weekend, Hey, that used to be OUR slot! If it can't be us we are happy one of our teams took our spot, 1st place fish 66 lbs also caught next to us. Only casuality except for our feelings being hurt was a floor hatch slammed shut on my left arm as I was getting out a bait and a rogue swell came through. It was, and is, very broken, looks like an egg hatched on my arm, and as many colors as that rainbow, very deep bruise atop that fracture.
My contraband Keene's were very comfy, but I suppose karma was the queen, or king as it was, this weekend.
we did weigh a 39 pounder and got a nice photo of the team in their new shirts!
Oh, and ended up back at capt tony's all night with capt tony and gary the singer, travis, both phils, kelly and dylan,
will tell that story tomorrow when the fog clears!

Saturday, January 28, 2006


no pictures of big fish today, or even of fishing, so improvised with the cop and fake arrest shot,
we checked out and went to fish, ran about 16 miles, totally sloppy, we drop lines in and I am holding on just shivering, the wind is houwling, 29 miles an hour northeast sustained, and gusting to 34 mph, a cold wind, blowing the 8 foot waves right up against each other, and then into the boat,
first lines in, we hook a fish, and it takes alot of line, I am at the front of the boat with the rod, jimmyjam is driving at a pretty good clip becuase we were losing alot of line, and the rest of the crew was clearing the other lines in the back,
as jimmy went forward fast towards the fish, the buckets of saltwater just kept crashing into me, and the waves were incredible, it was like being on a surfboard or snowboard, as I kept shifting my weight to balance myself as the boat sloshed from side to side, finally got the fish up and to the boat and it was a small fish, so we re-rigged and did it again,
after three medium fish in the first hour, I was sweating and exhausted!
needless to say, it slowed up some, and we caught fish sporadically throughout the day,
nothing of size, we let everything go
64 and 61 lead the tournament, though they have a bit bigger boat and it was truely not safe for us to attempt to run 80 milels each way in seas and within the 9 hours we had.
Caught a great dinner at el sibonoey, called yesterday for the seafood paella,
it rocked,
another day tomorrow, we will head out minus one member, due to, well, we broke him, it was a brutal day and he has chosen not to go tomorrow as the wind is still howling at the moon!

Friday, January 27, 2006

rough work ahead!

guaranteed to be 'sporty' on day one,
winds out of the east at 20-30 mph,
no where to hide here on east wind,
comes right down the reef, seas should be coming every which way at about 8 - 10 feet every 8 seconds,
would be cancelled prob in any other town!
but here, we are pirates, we go, in any conditions!
up and out at 4:30 am,
had the extreme pleasure of phil and kelly and mister dylan on the boat for a short ride from the slip to the fuel dock,
dylan has perfected the southern drawl of
'hhhhheyyyyyyy' or
to people, it is so cute!
good lucks' a comin'

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Capt Tony was Here!

we arrived at captain tony's to find our good buddy Gary Hempsey playing music, (finally, he no showed half the week!)
then we realized, capt tony was in the house, i went up to the stool they had him propped up on and said, 'do you remember me?' and he said, Yeah, you are the girl I wanted to marry! I laughed and whispered to Kelly that he is quite the dirty old man and bear with it, and at that point, as we went to take a photo, he said, well, I cannot type what he said, but needless to say
the man is 89 now, with an oxygen tank and tubes he connects, and disconnects for a photo or a hug, and only shows up on special occasions, and only stays for less than an hour,
it was an honor to be with such a legend,
'we are what legends are made of' came to mind,
I can only hope if I make it to 89,
I am half as surly and happy to be in this world!
Gary says hey to everyone,
he will be at the golden nugget in vegas during shoe show,
any takers?
wind is blowing a gale,
friday will be an off day of pepe's breakfast and maybe lunch
before the butt kicking begins,
gary played almost exclusively grateful dead for me,
threw in a few dylan and buffet's to round it out,
tried to play my fave, the easiest song in the world,
'you ain't going now where' but the three chords were too
much, and he went no where with it,
he said maybe by next year he can master it

phil, kelly, and dylan are better than great, and say
'HI' to all

I miss my buds though, missy (britt) steph (jason) on this ritual week on crazy abandonment of rational thinking and horrible singing, lots of dancing, and of course, laughter 24/7 that makes you cry!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

whiskey for my men, and beer for my horses

the wind started blowing today, and its only gonna get worse!
went to sloppy joe's and ran into and hung with the director, the FOUNDERS of the SKA (southern kingfish association) and had a blast, they are the most fun, nice people, and Jack is an absolute genius in marketing, I love him, and he has always been a big chip in our game in the fishing world, and he and his wife have been more than kind to us as we started our fishing career.
But then the shit hit the fan!
my crew shows up tonight, with police as my cab dropped me off at the restuarant, and I step out with an open container of beer,
they had a cop show me a wanted sign, with my photo,
and he said , is this you, and I said, yeah, and as I started to shake, I figured out I was being messed with, they put up fliers all over key west tonight,
so I really now am WANTED
I will post the arrest, yes, my hands were behind my back, and the poster and the damage soon. I can only post one picture each post and despite my crews little goofiness,
I have the priveledge of hanging out with some of the toughest, coolest, and most fun guys out there, I know the photo does not do them justice, but I would not do this if I did not have such a great group of solid friends with me,
8-10 foot seas for 12 hours a day-
where's the good part?
it's the friendship,
the commmardary,
the love of life,
that keeps us all getting our butts handed to us my mother nature and luck every weekend!
Onward to a win!

What a difference a day makes!

WOW, what a gorgeous day we had on the water~
flat seas and warm temps~
running down the marquesa islands in the crystal clear green water~
didn't catch a big enough king on light tackle, but had a great time~
did manage to spend about 45 minutes battling a giant thresher shark,
was glad I have lifted some weights this winter, and
had worked my arm out the night before at captain tony's with
some amstel light curls,
by the end of the battle, it felt like someone was taking a sledgehammer
to my lower back!
Wind is picking up and it promises to be a challenging remainder of the week.
But I am blending in with the locals pretty well now,
got some sun,and hair is blond and dreading~
looking forward to be joined by phil, kelly, and dylan, as well as the rest of the guys tonight!

Monday, January 23, 2006

island of criminal behavior

well, they call key west the place for criminals and people hiding out, and after not even a few hours here, I could be charged with 3 counts of 'stuff'
my day started at boaters world, picking up supplies to fish tuesday, trying to break a line class record for IGFA, I saw these COOL sandals, flipflops with a toe cover made by Keene, and they were pink and in a size 36 and on sale! So I took them to the counter, with a bunch of other things, needless to say, the checkout girl had trouble ringing stuff up, finally figured it out (new computer system right stef!) and the guy bagging the merch did not bag my cute little tiny shoe box, so I put it under my arm and left.
I realized later in the day that the bill was a little 'light'
yep, susan stole a pair of shoes, GRREATTTT!
As I a feeling like a schmuk, I go back the boat up at the ramp, and also assist some of the guys that were having difficulties, I can back up a big truck and trailer better than most guys,
going forward is another story. Apparently when I took the truck and trailer back to the marina, could not get it in the tiny space perfectly, so to avoid problems, I decided the best thing to do would be a donut and just slide it in next to the fencing.
Didn't realize how big a donut a Ford F350 Dually with a 40 foot trailer would be, and I clipped the fence, and pulled it all down. I quickly looked around, unsure if I had really done it, then looked to ask, no one was around, the few people that were said they saw nothing, so okay, maybe i was not the one that pulled the fence down, maybe it just fell on its own. I went back to the hotel and found remnants of the fence on my bent up wheel wells of my trailer and figured it out.
I had now shoplifted, done damage to private property, and left the scene of an accident, and the thought of Key West jail was very frightening. I went back to the marina, with my head hung low, and told the owner that i knocked down the fence with my trailer, he has known me for ten years and just laughed, and said, its not my fence, no body saw nothing, this is key west, it never happened. Okay great! So we will see, but I start this season with my old nickname I had Finally gotten rid of KRASH KAMINSKY.

had an awesome cuban sandwich at my fave restaurant
'el sibonney' laughed a bunch, i swear a john candy re-incarnate was sitting behind me!

Saturday, January 21, 2006


heading south later today, 15 hours of driving, pulling the boat down the super slab I 95
always an interesting trip!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Go Fishing!

Welcome To Loose Lucy Fishing Team Site!
Key West Florida Posted by Picasa

Hogs Breath Tournament Key West Florida

Tournament begins January 28-30
Can't wait for warm weather, calm seas, and big fish!