Saturday, January 28, 2006


no pictures of big fish today, or even of fishing, so improvised with the cop and fake arrest shot,
we checked out and went to fish, ran about 16 miles, totally sloppy, we drop lines in and I am holding on just shivering, the wind is houwling, 29 miles an hour northeast sustained, and gusting to 34 mph, a cold wind, blowing the 8 foot waves right up against each other, and then into the boat,
first lines in, we hook a fish, and it takes alot of line, I am at the front of the boat with the rod, jimmyjam is driving at a pretty good clip becuase we were losing alot of line, and the rest of the crew was clearing the other lines in the back,
as jimmy went forward fast towards the fish, the buckets of saltwater just kept crashing into me, and the waves were incredible, it was like being on a surfboard or snowboard, as I kept shifting my weight to balance myself as the boat sloshed from side to side, finally got the fish up and to the boat and it was a small fish, so we re-rigged and did it again,
after three medium fish in the first hour, I was sweating and exhausted!
needless to say, it slowed up some, and we caught fish sporadically throughout the day,
nothing of size, we let everything go
64 and 61 lead the tournament, though they have a bit bigger boat and it was truely not safe for us to attempt to run 80 milels each way in seas and within the 9 hours we had.
Caught a great dinner at el sibonoey, called yesterday for the seafood paella,
it rocked,
another day tomorrow, we will head out minus one member, due to, well, we broke him, it was a brutal day and he has chosen not to go tomorrow as the wind is still howling at the moon!

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